Josh Schaeffer is originally from Kailua, Hawaii but is currently based in Chicago, Illinois. Growing up in Hawaii, Josh was exposed to a largely diverse culture. This has led Josh be open to all genres of music.
Currently a Music Management Major at Columbia College Chicago, Josh has taken coursework that has given him hands-on experience. In the class “Writing for Managers”, he was fortunate enough to work with Fearless Records to help create business documents such as artist biographies, album summaries, and a Warped Tour booth checklist. Also, in Marketing the Arts, he worked with his class to implement an actual marketing plan for Laura Anderson Barbata's speech about her exhibit Among Tender Roots at Columbia College Chicago. From marketing the event, Josh has found that his biggest strength is in marketing.
After graduating from Columbia College Chicago, Josh does not know exactly what he wants to do in the music business, but there are so many opportunities out there. He will take advantage of every opportunity put in front of him.